Is selling on Cdiscount interesting? The answer starts with an observation: in France, everyone knows this online sales platform. The traffic and results of the e-commerce platform have only climbed in 2020, taking advantage of the boom in online sales and home delivery in this year of health crisis. Verdict? Cdiscount ranks 2nd among online sales sites in terms of transactions in France, just after the giant Amazon!

Cdiscount is therefore the leader in French e-commerce.

The company’s results published in February 2021 on its performance in 2020 reveal not only that its turnover reached 2.2 billion euros with a 1.4% increase. But above all, a large part of its growth is enabled by its marketplace and its professional sellers!

Is the Cdiscount marketplace the place to be for French e-tailers and dropshippers?

Cdiscount’s marketplace currently represents 44% of its turnover.

Considering the extremely successful figures of the marketplace, there is no doubt that Cdiscount is doing its utmost to attract sellers, with many attractive arguments, for e-commerce professionals.

In this article, we list your interests in dropshipping on Cdiscount, and we explain how to sell on Cdiscount to make the most of the Made in France NO. 1 marketplace.

Selling on Cdiscount, the #1 marketplace in France

Cdiscount’s marketplace has exploded in 2020

The figures were published in February 2021 for the year 2020.

The surprise turned out to be in the 44%: the share of the Cdiscount marketplace in the turnover generated by the e-commerce platform in France.

22%: this is the growth of the Cdiscount marketplace in 2020. There is no doubt that the health context and the confinements characteristic of 2020 have favored a postponement of the players of the physical trade towards the digital and the marketplace of the French leader. Today, there are 13,000 professional sellers.

In sum: the revenues generated by the marketplace alone reached 182 million euros in 2020, revealing an increase of 23%. At the same time, there has been a 26.4% increase in sellers on the Cdiscount marketplace.

As a result, the exceptional growth of the marketplace has contributed to a rise in Cdiscount’s traffic to a record 26 million monthly unique visitors in December 2020. Still have no idea how much you can benefit from selling on Cdiscount?

With the record figures of its marketplace, Cdiscount is developing its BtoB sales strategy more than ever by offering Cdiscount Pro, a platform 100% dedicated to professionals. This BtoB platform offers a catalog of products and solutions to attract more and more sellers to its marketplace, and to promote e-commerce sales.

What opportunities between Dropshipping and Cdiscount Pro in 2021?

Cdiscount Pro is a 100% professional platform that gives you access to a large catalog of products. We know that the choice of a trusted supplier is essential for the success of your dropshipping activity. You can choose a Chinese platform such as AliExpress which is widely used by dropshippers for the many advantages it offers: access to a large choice of products in one place, as well as to many suppliers, lower costs, etc.

The choice of a French supplier can be reassuring for you and your customers. Among the advantages: shorter delivery times, a guarantee of quality and security, a fluidity in communication and support, in French… The choice of products is also consequent, with a wide range of categories allowing you to find your profitable niche in dropshipping.

Note: +33% is the increase of the assortment of Cdiscount in 2020 which offers 100 million references. In addition, sales in categories related to home, beauty and leisure generated + 18% of the sales volume in 2020.

To start dropshipping and sell on CDiscount, several solutions are available, especially thanks to the partnership between Shopify and Cdiscount.

On the one hand, you can use the Cdiscount Dropshipping application which allows you to find products and import them on your online store.

On the other hand, since January 2020, Shopify users can use the Cdiscount Feed app that allows you to sell on both the Cdiscount marketplace and your online store. The partnership between Shopify and CDiscount allows you to have an automated integration and a smooth management of your sales from your Shopify store, so you can synchronize your product catalog on the marketplace, process orders on your dashboard, and benefit from an advanced and qualified Cdiscount support.

As in the classic dropshipping scheme, when a customer places an order on your online store, you transmit it to CDiscount which prepares, ships and delivers the package to the customer. This is the undeniable advantage of dropshipping: it allows you to free yourself from logistics (stock management and delivery) to focus on your store and your marketing.

Selling on Cdiscount: advantages for dropshipping and e-commerce

The visibility and traffic of Cdiscount marketplace
To be present and visible on the leader n°1 of e-commerce in France and to sell your products there is a significant argument. Selling on Cdiscount means benefiting from the traffic and notoriety of its marketplace which counts 24 million users per month. The marketplace has 10 million active customers, and 2 million CDiscount à Volonté subscribers, who are loyal customers with a high frequency of purchase. Moreover, by importing Cdiscount products via the Cdiscount Dropshipping app for example, you boost your natural referencing.

The large catalog of products of the Cdiscount marketplace
Cdiscount’s positioning has been clear for decades: offer quality products at the right price. The 2nd largest marketplace after Amazon offers more than 40 product categories to date. Whether you start dropshipping in search of the winning products to sell in 2021, or you want to renew your catalog, there is no doubt that you will find: all categories are available.

The advantage of a French supplier

In dropshipping, it is not uncommon to have to deal with suppliers based in Asia, therefore, if the costs can be interesting, the delivery times, the language barrier can be obstacles. It is a cost-benefit calculation to be done before launching your business.

Fast delivery conditions

It is obvious that shipping from China or France has an impact on delivery times, especially if your customers are French or even European. This is one of the consequences of choosing a French supplier and selling on Cdiscount.

Moreover, it is also an ecological argument, which can only convince your prospects. 68% of French people say they are “ready to pay more” for products that are more responsible for the planet (IFOP survey.) Selling on Cdiscount therefore allows you to offer shorter deliveries (less than 48 hours), in the best conditions, and more environmentally friendly, with a smaller carbon footprint.

Finally, giving your customers the benefit of Cdiscount’s various and secure purchase and delivery options gives you a guarantee of seriousness, which is an unstoppable selling point that encourages purchases. Cdiscount has also developed the Cdiscount Transport offer for professionals, which allows you to offer home delivery or delivery to a collection point at attractive rates, as negotiated with its carriers.

Cdiscount’s logistics allows it to offer high capacity delivery management, with 500,000 square meters of storage and more than 2,000 collection points throughout France.

The Cdiscount Fulfilment service is particularly adapted to Dropshipping as it allows you to outsource the management of your logistics, while benefiting from an increased visibility of your products on the platform. By subscribing to the service, you benefit from the mention “shipped by Cdiscount” which will allow you to filter your products and gain visibility. The Cdiscount Fulfilment service is therefore particularly interesting to benefit from all the logistic power of CDiscount, at rather attractive rates. Note that deliveries are also possible in 20 European countries.

Finally, when you inquire on “sell on cdiscount opinion”, the opinions are also very positive on the packaging prepared and sent by Cdiscount. Careful, and of quality, they are also a factor of loyalty for your customers.

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